Tennessee Coordinated School Health connects physical, emotional and social health with education through eight inter-related components: Health Education; Health Services; Nutrition; Physical Education/Physical Activity; Healthy School Environment; School Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services; Student, Family, and Community Involvement; and School Staff Wellness. This coordinated approach improves students' health and their capacity to learn through the support of families, communities and schools working together. Coordinated School Health works with many partners to address school health priorities.
Weakley County School Nurses
Dresden Elementary: Holly Spaulding - (731) 364-3401
Dresden Middle: Taylor Reynolds - (731) 364-2407
Dresden High: Diane Lillegard - (731) 364-2949
Gleason: Jeanette Grissom - (731) 648-5351
Greenfield: Anna Garner - (731) 235-3424
Martin Primary: Caitlin Bracey - (731) 587-9033
Martin Elementary: Teresa Lemons - (731) 587-2290
Martin Middle: Kristen Leech - (731) 587-2346
Sharon: Marilyn Wade - (731) 456-2672
Westview: Sara Maness - (731) 587-4805
For immunization requirements, click the link below.
Immunization Requirements (tn.gov)
For information on the FLU vaccine, click the link below.
Vaccine Information Statement: Inactivated Influenza Vaccine (cdc.gov)
For information on Meningococcal Vaccine, click the link below.
Vaccine Information Statement: Serogroup A, C, W, Y Meningococcal Vaccines (MenACWY and MPSV4): What you need to know (cdc.gov)
Weakley County Schools Food Pantry
The Weakley County Schools Food Pantry is a needs-based food assistance opportunity for families of Weakley County Schools. Food is available for anyone associated with the schools - including students, parents, and staff. See flyer below for details and call (731) 364-3580 for more information.